Monthly Personal and Business Mail Service:
Here's what you need to become a Travellers Mailbag Customer:
A completed Application package, the USPS form 1583 and our Rental Agreement...Click and download now:
Current photo ID, preferably a driver's license and passport
Payment of three (3) month's fee in advance for your regularly scheduled rental box (or pay Annual for discount)
Recommend a USPS change of address card if applicable (You can do that online here)​
Package Delivery Service High volume 50% discount
(For folks that receive 10 packages in 30 day period):​​
No monthly commitment, nothing to sign up for! (Just provide us your name, phone and E-mail address)
You automatically receive the 'High Volume" discount once you've received 5 packages in any 30 day period (You paid $5 per package for a total of $25)
The 30 day period starts from the day you receive your first package. After the 5th package is received in that 30 day period, we stop charging for packages until you receive 10 packages. (saving you $25, or 50%)
Address your package, as follows, Be sure and include Box WILL CALL​
We have all forms in office too, come on in and sign up anytime.​If you have any questions, please contact us:
Phone: 415-332-2032 Fax: 415-331-2223
3020 Bridgeway, "WILL CALL"
Sausalito, CA 94965